Like the flowing river

The flowing river

A river can feel as never-ending sometimes. It keeps flowing like rain pouring. Civilizations may go extinct but the rivers pour on. Time is like a river; we may pass through the river twice, but it is not the same as our feet touch different particles. Just like the river, we change but not as abruptly.

As humans, we make mistakes and so do the ones we love. Some of us hold each other accountable and hold grudges as a result of self-entitled vanity while others let those mistakes flow away like the river. We're all humans after all and that humane essence is what defines us and our actions, however, that might not always be the case. Sometimes, our molds might be too different to exist at the same place and in the same time and so, just like the flowing river, it may stop pouring, It dries or changes it course.

It's a hard reality but so is the world we live in. Sometimes, relationships are just not meant to be. Co-existence isn't as easy as it sounds. We're all molded differently. Our families instill different values within us. It's our responsibility to balance those values with the ones of others and make things work.

You live for you.

San Algamal


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